Willie L. Pritchett, David De Smet - Kali Linux Cookbook [2013, PDF, ENG]

Over 70 recipes to help you master Kali Linux for effective penetration security testing.
A practical, cookbook style with numerous chapters and recipes explaining the penetration testing. The cookbook-style recipes allow you to go directly to your topic of interest if you are an expert using this book as a reference, or to follow topics throughout a chapter to gain in-depth knowledge if you are a beginner.
What you will learn from this book:
Install and setup Kali Linux on multiple platforms
Customize Kali Linux to your individual needs
Locate vulnerabilities with Nessus and OpenVAS
Exploit vulnerabilities you've found with Metasploit
Learn multiple solutions to escalate privileges on a compromised machine
Understand how to use Kali Linux in all phases of a penetration test
Crack WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption
Simulate an actual penetration test using Kali Linux
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